Invisalign in Krakow – What if I don’t want to wear braces?

Invisalign in Krakow – What if I don’t want to wear braces?

Invisalign – what is it and what does the treatment process look like?

Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic system used for straightening teeth. It is an alternative to traditional braces, such as metal or ceramic braces. Invisalign uses transparent, nearly invisible mouth overlays, called aligners, made of plastic.

The process begins by creating a model of the patient’s oral cavity, using a special 3D scanner or dental impressions. A computer model of the occlusion is created based on this data and the subsequent stages of tooth movement are planned.

Then, an orthodontic specialist develops a series of transparent overlays, called “aligners”. Each aligner is made of an exceptionally flexible thermoplastic material. The patient wears one aligner for about 1-2 weeks, then moves on to the next in the series.

Each subsequent aligner is slightly different from the previous one, causing a gradual shift of the teeth in the intended direction. This process is monitored by an experienced Ars Dentistica doctor, who regularly checks the progress and adjusts the treatment plan if necessary.

Benefits of Invisalign over fixed braces orthodontic treatment

The most frequently mentioned benefits of the Invisalign system by patients include:

Discretion: Invisalign aligners are made of clear material, making them virtually invisible when worn. This allows orthodontic treatment to be carried out while maintaining more discretion, as the visibility of braces is a treatment barrier for many patients.

Comfort: Invisalign is considered by many patients to be significantly more comfortable to wear than traditional fixed braces. The overlays are smooth and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, and the lack of metal elements eliminates the risk of abrasions and injuries.

Ease of hygiene: Unlike fixed braces, Invisalign aligners are removed when brushing teeth, which makes maintaining oral hygiene easier. Patients can normally brush their teeth and use dental floss without having to bypass wires and locks.

No dietary restrictions: Patients using Invisalign do not have to restrict their diet, as the overlays are removed during eating and drinking. You can freely eat all your favorite foods and drinks, which is more difficult with traditional fixed braces, where some products can negatively affect the locks or wires.

Fewer control visits: The frequency of visits to the orthodontist with Invisalign is usually less than with fixed braces. Control visits are planned according to the patient’s needs, and overlays are provided several weeks in advance, which means fewer regular visits to the office.

Do Invisalign overlays have any disadvantages?

Like any treatment method, Invisalign, of course, has its drawbacks. The most frequently indicated by patients and doctors include:

Discipline of wearing: The effects of Invisalign treatment depend on systematic wearing of the overlays for a specified time each day. The patient must implement self-discipline to wear the overlays for the recommended time, usually about 20-22 hours a day. Improper, too short application can affect the effects of treatment.

Cost: Invisalign treatment can be more expensive than traditional fixed braces. The price may vary depending on the individual case, the complexity of the malocclusion, and the location. Consulting with a doctor will provide exact information about costs.

Limitations in complex cases: Invisalign is effective in treating many cases of malocclusion, but not always. More complicated orthodontic problems, such as significant tooth displacements or serious bite problems, may require traditional fixed braces or other treatment methods. An experienced doctor from the Ars Dentistica team in Krakow will present an appropriate treatment plan.

Is Invisalign the right solution for me?

We would like to emphasize that Invisalign is a great and modern method of orthodontic treatment, but it’s not suitable for all cases. In some situations, especially when there are serious bite problems, the use of traditional orthodontic braces may be necessary. Therefore, to evaluate whether Invisalign will provide the expected results, a consultation with an experienced doctor from Ars Dentistica is essential to assess if Invisalign is suitable for your specific case.

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